fr, 26.10.12 - Now we got it: Here we go! After kockaburras and magpies (weird birds making even more weird sounds) have wakened us about 7am we start relatively sanguine towards Katoomba/Blue Mountains ...

After nearly 2 hours, 18 photos and 1 visit at the touriststore (they really have nice things there, not only silly koala-stickers) we discover the "Scenicworld": Cableway, skyway with glass floor and a little railway lead through and over the valley. We're too late for the glassfloorthingo but choose the cableway and 15 min. and another touriststore later we land in the rainforest. At last we think so. Everything's green and giant. On the photo there's a fern which would raise up to perhaps 40 cm in a normal German household [and I do not speak of our household...].

There are lots of palms, ferns, climbing plants, information plates in braille, information about the miners (having dug coal in the last century) and and and. And further funny signs ;)
We drive on to Blackheath, they have a Rhododendron-festival there and in the city everything blossoms as crazy. It's even a very cute town with all that bushes, cottages, little gardens etc. We quickly find our campsite and enjoy sunset drinking our leisure-time-ginger-beer (no, no beer but ginger-lemonade). In fact the joy doesn't last very long, it gets very quickly badly cold. Wind is blowing and we prefer to stay inside the camper. Listening to triple j (BEST AND ONE AND ONLY radiostation ever, I think), noshing noodles, sleeping early. As soon as it gets dark our eyes close by themselves (huh, that could be difficult at home when we're back from the journey ...). Weather during this day? Sunny, 20°C at minimun. Great!