Monday morning, dull weather, we don't even see yesterday's mountain. But it is dry and warm. Our first step leads us to Novusglass, the New Zealand version of carglass - everything is fine, the broken windsreen has been repaired some weeks ago. Our next step leads us to the campervan-workshop, it is rather crowded, no chance before lunch break.
Does it matter that we have to wait some time? They are very sorry but all hell is let loose? No problem, so we can stock up our supplies at the supermarket nearby, park the camper at the workshop and then walk into town and search for a bank. If the weekend was the reason for the creditcard's malfunction it should work now. But it doesn't. Neither at the cash point nor at the counter. The bank employee has an intuition: "Does your bank know that you are abroad? Perhaps there is a safety block?"... ahemm.... 'Did you tell them?'... er, nope? Ok, this evening someone has to make a call in Germany. Websupport and e-mail won't work in this matter and now they are already [still] sleeping in Germany. One moment later my cash-card does not work at the counter, too, but it's ok with the cash point. Pheeew. Note: Always take every means of payment with you when visiting OZ/NZ: Cash-card, creditcard (best Visa + Mastercard), cash AND inform your bank before you start your trip!
At one o'clock we are back at the workshop and served immediately, the damage gets repaired and an hour later we're back on the road, on SH1 direction south. Actually we did not want to drive this far south but the weather forecast reports of bad weather in the north so of course we stay here :) And I really don't know why we take the big road, "Ocean View" does sound much better. Probably because we want to go a little faster as we want to see Nugget Point before evening. While we are at this corner we should not miss out that place. And they are right, friends and guidebooks: The rocks are impressive. On the big plain one we even discover seals! And while we are counting ca. 5 of them on-site we are counting at least 30 back home on the enlarged pictures!
On our way to Nugget Point we make a side trip to "Roaring Bay" and I cramp onto everything the Ducato has to offer. THIS is a road... gravel, narrow, tight, on the right side the mountain, in the left side the abyss [and I am sitting left!]... I don't want to face a milk truck here. Of course the view compensates my fear, but we have to drive back again, OMG...
Over Roaring Bay, Nugget Point and inevitable photography it has become rather late, so we go in search for a pitch. The campground we have chosen at first does not please us. You're right, we only need a place to stay for the night and clean the toilet but we have become quite demanding. A piffling place, which looks more like the farmer's backyard than a campsite, is not what we have dreamed of. A look into the app and at once we have found the next one with dump-station: Kaka Point.
In fact we want to take a walk down to the beach some 100m away, but first of all there has a call to be made :) And really: After everyone on the other side of the world hurried in order to put
the call through to the suitable person the bank confirms: Yes, a safety block has been made up because of unknown use abroad. [In a sense this is a useful practice...] The last days' bookings
are verified and 10 minutes later we may use the card again. After the call it is dark outside, in addition it is quite fresh and we are pretty tired. Thus no walk :(